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September 11, 2024
The term black box refers to an algorithm with obscure and undisclosable internal mechanisms. Algo trading is relatively safe, assuming you’ve built a profitable strategy to run. Some algorithms strategies How to buy electra coin can be purchased, but they still require enough computer power…
Februari 22, 2024
Rheza Firmansyah
Cent accounts might be better suited for total novices, and they have a lot in common with live accounts. The most obvious difference, however, is that dollars are denominated in cents. Thus, if we suppose that traders add $100 to their accounts, this amount will…
Januari 24, 2024
Bardziejniepokojący dla nas może być wzrost rentowności amerykańskich obligacjiskarbowych. Trudno sobie wyobrazić, aby na dłuższą metę oprocentowaniepolskiego długu było niższe niż amerykańskiego, jak to ma miejsce obecnie. Ewentualnywzrost rentowności polskich obligacji skutkowałby wyższymi kosztami obsługidługu publicznego. Istnieje też ryzyko osłabienia złotego (zwłaszcza względemdolara), co stwarzałoby…
Desember 25, 2023
Rheza Firmansyah
Short sellers must be comfortable adopting an inherently pessimistic—or bearish—outlook counter to the prevailing upward bias in the market. Short selling often aligns with contrarian investing because short sellers focus on strategies that are out of consensus with most market participants. Most forms of market…
Desember 21, 2023
Rheza Firmansyah
The order book records all outstanding buy and sell orders for a specific stock. When the order book is public, investors can see the number of outstanding orders. A transparent order book also allows investors to analyze the bid-ask spread. They can understand how many…
Agustus 9, 2023
Rheza Firmansyah
For instance, if an ETF tracks a highly liquid index or comprises stocks from large-cap companies, it generally exhibits better liquidity characteristics. Conversely, if the ETF includes less commonly traded stocks or is focused on niche sectors, its liquidity may be lower. With FXTM, you…