
Debt To Assets Ratio, Meaning, Formula, Examples

November 17, 2021 By Off

It helps you see how much of your company assets were financed using debt financing. Acceptable levels of the total debt service ratio range from the mid-30s to the low-40s in percentage terms. It’s great to compare debt ratios across companies; however, capital intensity and…

How to Do Bookkeeping for Construction Companies

Oktober 19, 2021 By Off

Regular reconciliation also prevents potential issues with vendors, clients, or even tax authorities, and is an integral part of maintaining proper construction bookkeeping. Depending on your needs, QuickBooks can work as a construction accounting software. It offers an option to create a schedule of values…

How to Strengthen Your Problem-Solving Skills in Sobriety

Juli 29, 2021 By Off

Identify specific objectives that align with your goals, such as improving physical health, strengthening mental well-being, rebuilding relationships, or pursuing new passions. Consider how addiction has affected different areas of your life and determine how you want to enhance them in your recovery. Break down…